Cultivating Abundance

Saturday, February 22nd @ 1:00 PM CST

Motivationally Minded

Join us Saturday, February 22nd as we dive into strategies for cultivating abundance. Learn evidence-based practices that can help you start creating & experiencing more abundance in your life. Discover how your mindset & relationship with abundance can make or break your ability to achieve your 2025 Goals/Intentions.

Repetition is the key to learning & it can take over 200 days to truly form a habit.

So why do we think that setting an intention on January 1st is going to stick for the whole year?

Most people need these things to truly stick to a new routine in order to reach a goal:

💪 Motivation
💪 Accountability
💪 Repetition
💪 Opportunities to Pivot / Be Flexible

Commit to yourself & your goals this year!

Motivationally Minded

In Motivationally Minded we will:

✨ Meet monthly via Zoom for a 90 minute workshop (replays available)
✨ Work on our intentions or create new ones if we need to pivot/shift our energies
✨ Have a specific focus for each month as we intentionally work our way through the year
✨ Utilize a variety of tools/techniques to help you stay motivated & excited about your goals


🔮 Each month I will spend time at the end of the workshop pulling names from a hat to do individual tarot readings for those chosen (each person will be guaranteed an individual reading at least once every 1-3 months) AND you get to learn from the wisdom shared with others even if the cards pulled are not specifically for you.

Choose YOU this year & join me in Motivationally Minded to help you stay committed to living an intentional life throughout 2025!

Workshops will be held on the 3rd or 4th Sunday of each month to help us get a jumpstart on our intentions for the following month.

Our next workshop will be held Saturday, February 22nd at 1:00pm CT as we prepare for what the month of March will bring. Our theme will be Cultivating Abundance.

Complete the Google Form when you join so I can send you surprise goodies throughout your membership. 😉

See you next month!

Sharon Blue