Creating Effective Morning Habits

Beep Beep Beep!!!!

There goes the alarm. Time to start another day.

What do you typically do next?

Stretch? Yawn? Hop out of bed chipper & ready to go? Hit the snooze & burrow deeper into your blankets?

How you start your morning can often make or break how your day goes. Once you create meaningful morning habits to incorporate into your daily life you can start reaping the benefits of them. Try to stack some great habits all together into one phenomenal morning routine to get your day started positively.

Here are some suggestions for things you can add to your morning routine:

  • Gratitude Journal: Write 5 small things you are grateful for each morning from the day before. Things like getting to drink your whole cup of coffee before it went cold or getting to sit quietly for 10 minutes on the couch with your little one cuddled in your arms.
  • Find a morning beverage that you really enjoy and savor it in the morning: Maybe it’s tea, coffee, a smoothie, protein shake, or some dolled up lemon water. Find a great spot with a view to enjoy it without distractions.
  • Stop hitting the snooze: Listen to your body’s natural rhythm and try to determine how much sleep is the right amount for you. It could be anywhere between 6-9 hours, but you usually can feel when you haven’t had enough or have had too much. Find that sweet spot, set your alarm to get up once that amount of time has passed & try to get up at the first “beep” instead of constantly hitting snooze. You’ll be less groggy & more ready to take on your day.
  • Meditation: Sometimes you just need a minute to prepare for your day. Meditation can do just that. The peace and quiet you experience when you meditate (even if it’s just for 5 minutes) can really set you up for success later in the day, including being more patient, better able to problem-solve, and more focused. Try a guided meditation if you really can’t stand the silence.
  • Move your body: Whether it’s yoga, taking a walk around your neighborhood, or getting your sweat on, moving your body in the morning gets the blood pumping and sets you up for a productive & energy-filled day. Bonus- you can use yoga time as meditation time, or listen to your fav motivational podcast while you walk to stack those habits and save you time.

The way you start your day will set the tone for how the rest of it plays out. If you fly by the seat of your pants as soon as the kids wake you up or you hit that final snooze button with 15 min left until you have to fly out the door, then the rest of your day will feel rushed & inefficient as well. Take the time first thing in the morning to create the vibe you want for the rest of that day.

YOU determine how your day goes.

Make it a great one.


Sharon Blue, MS