Does Anybody Have a Map?

Driving along. Trying to get those errands done as quickly as possible because there is so much more to do today. And then - a song just hits you like a ton of bricks!

This past week a song from the past came back & bit me on the ass - Thanks shuffle!

Firstly, I have to preface this explanation with the fact that I am a musical theater nerd. One of my favorite and most relaxing self-care practices is just belting out songs to my fav musicals while driving alone in my car.

A show that caught my attention at the 2017 Tony Awards was Dear Evan Hansen. It’s now been made into a movie & a book, if you’ve never seen the show. I won’t bore you with details of the synopsis, but needless to say it’s one of the MANY musicals in my huge playlist of songs I like to shuffle. A playlist so large that I haven’t heard songs from this particular musical in quite a while. So imagine my surprise when the first song from the musical started playing.

The song is titled “Anybody Have a Map?” and features the moms of two different families struggling to stay positive, to keep the family moving forward, to keep everyone happy & make sure they all have a great day. And in that moment as I heard that song, I felt every single word in those lyrics:

“I don’t know if you can tell,
but this is me just pretending to know.
So where’s the map?
I need a clue
‘cause the scary truth is
I’m flying blind and
I’m making this up as I go”.

Anybody else out there?

I certainly don’t have a map & there are many times I don’t have a clue. Parenthood, self-development, entrepreneurship, marriage, friendship, all of these things - I’m just winging it. I didn’t have a roadmap to show me how it’s supposed to be done and kids definitely don’t come with a manual, although that would be super helpful.

So you wake up, you keep trying, you keep flying blind and hope that you are creating a map for your kids. One they can follow so they won’t feel so alone on the journey. You make new discoveries and find places you’d like to go back to and ones you never want to visit again. You learn lessons the hard way and find people on the path who share their wisdom & experiences with you.

I may not have a map, but I can lead with love & find the strength to keep going while helping my clients on their journeys. To make the way a little clearer & less daunting. To highlight the terrain & choices in front of them. And I will forge ahead in my own life. Making my own map to hopefully hand down to my kids one day. I fully expect them to make it their own & not follow my every step (goodness knows there have been mistakes made & lessons learned). But perhaps they will at least have some general directions to go by.

Make it a great one.


Sharon Blue, MS