Finding motivation is a choice

Motivation is not always easy.

As I’m writing this, it’s a rainy, gray day here in STL. Not usually the day that makes me want to get up & go. More a day that makes me want to lay in bed a little longer, drink my coffee a little slower, and take a nap in the afternoon after reading a good book. Instead I have a To-Do list about a mile long, kids that continue to be full of energy (how the hell do they do that?) and a husband who is working & on-call this weekend.

Sometimes situations & environments conspire to make finding that motivation even harder than it already is. Like gloomy days while I need to be “on” to help out with my family & get work done. However, as difficult as it can be sometimes, it really comes down to just making a small choice.
What will you do in THIS moment?

You always have a choice. Even if that choice is just to perceive your situation differently. It’s still a choice to respond one way or another. Isn’t that the beauty of free will? Getting to choose your own adventure?

So, I will choose to tackle a few things on my list, keep the kiddos busy when my hubby is on conference calls, and down this 3rd cup of coffee to top up my motivation meter. I will choose these steps, because they are what I need to do to move me towards my overall goals & help take care of those I love. These are the choices I am making. I am thinking about my “whys” and looking at my moments as one step towards greatness. This is what will keep me going, and maybe if I’m lucky I’ll have time for that good book later today.

What will you choose?
What will you choose when it’s easy to choose?
What will you choose when it’s not so easy?

For those are truly the tests that determine your resilience and commitment to your goals.


Sharon Blue, MS