"No" is a complete sentence

Just Say “No!”

Self-care is a tricky beast. Sometimes the things we need seem to go against who we are as individuals.

This can show up as “mom guilt” when you truly need to take some time for yourself, but your negative self-talk says that you are being “lazy” or that you should be spending that time doing something for your kids, husband, house, work, etc.

It can also show up as feeling the need to keep expending energy outwards because you have been conditioned to believe that helping others is a priority over self-care. “Mom guilt” is just one version of this. The truth is that we ALL need self-care. If we aren’t taking care of ourselves how can we be expected to take care of others?

And this is where BOUNDARIES come in. Boundaries are one of the most fundamental forms of self-care out there. Learn to love them. Boundaries come in many shapes and forms, but this week I’d like you to just focus on saying “no”.

“No” to adding extra tasks to your plate to help someone out when you are already overloaded.
“No” to answering a call or text when you are taking some “me time” (Do Not Disturb is AMAZING).
“No” to that social event you don’t really need to go to but feel obliged to participate in because of how it will “look”. (If you don’t think you would be missed, then you probably won’t be - take that time for yourself instead.)

Just say “No”, with no justifications or explanations. You don’t owe anyone a detailed reason why you can’t do something. If you can’t make it happen, then they should accept that and move on. You do NOT need to feel guilty for making yourself a priority and recognizing when you need to stop taking on extra work.

“No” is a complete sentence & other people’s feelings are none of your business nor responsibility.

Try saying “No” to something this week to see how it feels to prioritize yourself. You deserve to be a priority in your own life. 💙


Sharon Blue, MS