What a dream takes...


I hear screaming outside my window. It’s a gorgeous sunny day, but the screaming is distracting me.

My little ones are having the absolute time of their lives outside playing with sidewalk chalk with my hubby. The screaming are their shrieks of laughter and pure joy sharing their neon and pastel creations.

As much as I would like to be outside with them right now, I have work to do. Running a business requires time & energy. Many of my clients work 9-5 jobs during the week so weekends are when they book readings & often when I get work done. I try to take Sundays off but Saturdays are work days for me. These lazy weekend days are times that I have to sacrifice to make my dream a reality.

Dreams are never easy things to achieve. With all new opportunities and transformations there will be a level of sacrifice. In order to become a school counselor I had to endure 3 years of graduate school & countless hours of supervision and contact hours. But I got to spend 7 glorious years doing the thing I love. Now I am pursuing my dream of owning my own tarot coaching business and helping a different kind of client with the same problems all humans have (whether those are middle schoolers dealing with he-said-she-said drama or adults confused about a love interest or seeking career advice).

I sacrifice my time now in order to achieve my dream and be able to spend time going on vacation with my kiddos sometime in the future. To have the luxury of not being tied to a school schedule & being able to have busy weeks and slow weeks. To be able to be home & spend time with my babies, while also doing what I love from the comfort of my home with no one supervising me. To tailor my work to the type of people I enjoy working with and the work I enjoy doing without all the red tape & paperwork of school counseling.

Sacrifices are never fun, but they are necessary. Once you start weighing what you are sacrificing for what you are gaining - my independence, flexible schedule, time with my kids in the morning and many evenings, Mondays with my daughter, being my own boss, feeling excited about what I do all the time, feeling fulfilled spiritually as well as in my new career - then a whole new perspective appears.

Once you put the sacrifice into perspective, it becomes easier to live with the loss. You remember why this goal is important to you and then you push through, sacrifice what needs to be sacrificed and go after your dreams!

What are you trying to achieve? And what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?


Sharon Blue, MS